1 February – 25 March 2018
‘Bushland’ – Margaret Cromb – Watercolours and Woodcuts
‘….stitched to everything….- musings of an errant ecologist’ – Greg Somerville – water/nature inspired Textiles and Photographs
Themes of Ecology by Local Artists
Falkner Gallery will re-open after the Summer Break on 1 February with two exciting new exhibitions by local artists: Margaret Cromb showing ‘Bushland’ and Greg Somerville showing ‘…stitched to everything…- musings of an errant ecologist.’
‘Bushland’ is an exhibition of watercolours and woodcuts that describe the natural environment of Central Victoria.
Margaret writes: “I consider myself to be especially blessed to live in an area surrounded by extensive forests and I continue to enjoy exploring them and becoming more familiar with the birds and animals which inhabit them.
I have been involved over many years with Landcare especially in the Casey/ Cardinia area where I came from. More recently I have become involved with Connecting Country and its bird-monitoring program. Spending time in the bush looking for birds and being immersed in the environment is a great joy to me. I am impressed with Connecting Country and its focus on restoring natural habitat by educating and supporting landowners.
So it is a pleasure to be able to donate to its activities through this exhibition.” Cromb
The works depict bushland scenes, individual trees and wildflowers, often including the birds which are to be found amongst them. Margaret’s characteristic layering of colour washes can be seen in her representational portrayals of the local environment about which she is so passionate. Fifty percent of the net proceeds will be donated to Connecting Country.
Upstairs, Greg Somerville captures the local environment with different techniques and media – textiles and photography but with similarly powerful effects. His training and early work as a biologist has led him to use the insights of science, especially ecology and Chaos Theory, in his artistic output.
He writes: “The imagery I utilise is grounded in the patterns, textures and minutiae of the bioregion in which I live. They are also informed by my knowledge of biological structures, the energies and relationships found in ecosystems, within the micro and macroscopic.”
He continues: ”The patterns of water drops on leaves, the way lichen spreads on sandstone or the manner in which trees co-inhabit the landscape is every bit as revelatory as the great texts, painting or musical composition.” Somerville
His abstracted quilted works and his photographs use detailed patterns, textures and layers to suggest the complexities and subtleties of nature.
Both exhibitions commence 1 February and continue until 25 March. Both artists will be present Saturday 3 February 2 – 4 pm